My book, Let's Scare Bear, is finally out there now!!

I’m Happy to share the information about my book reading/signing event at Word Bookstore in Brooklyn on July 21, Sunday at 12noon!

Please come and join me! It’s going to be fun.I’m so excited to be there!!

Also, I’ll be at Word Bookstore in NJ on July 27, Saturday at 11am.

7/21 Word Bookstore at 12noon.

126 Franklin St, Brooklyn. (718)383-0096

7/27 Word Bookstore at 11am

123 Jersey City, NJ . (201)-763-6611


Hi Everyone! My debut book " Let's Scare Bear " will be out on July 9!!!!

It has been a long time since I accessed this blog last time!! I was busy creating this book and other type of illustrations. Now I’m very happy to share this news with you. Publishing kid’s picture book was one of my dreams for a long time. I’m so excited to see my book in bookstores soon! This is just a sneak preview. I’ll post more late. If you like it, you can pre-order it on Amazon now. Also I’m going to have reading and signing events at Brooklyn & NJ in July. I’ll post more details soon. Please stay tuned!!


Postoponed the reception

We had enough bad weather this year. Our reception was cancelled due to weather.

New reception date is now 3/12.

Hope weather is nice and many people can make it at this time.

I revised my old art pieces.

I really liked those images when I created them. Since my style has been changed, I couldn't use as a part of my portfolio. Now I decieded to revise into new one! I hope it works well.